One hundred percent of member's individual $1,000 donations are combined together and returned to the community in the form of grants.
Impact Las Vegas’s funding cycle runs from July 1 of the current year to June 30 of the following year. In each funding year, we collect money through December, solicit and evaluate grant proposals January through May, and award the grant(s) in June.
We announce the exact amount of money available in the funding year in early January after the December 31st membership deadline.
The number and amount of the grants we offer is determined by the number of members we have as of December 31 of each year. Then in January of each year, we invite organizations to submit a letter of inquiry for our grants. Full applications are then due from eligible nonprofit organizations in March and in May, we select the recipient(s). Grant recipient selection is a four-part process that includes completing our required forms. We do not accept grant requests outside of this annual process.
Grant applications are accepted in each of the focus areas: culture, education, environment, family, or health & wellness.
Impact Las Vegas’s members serve on committees and evaluate the grant proposals. The committees select finalists. In May, we invite all members to cast a vote for the winning grant recipient(s).